Melissa Szwan is
a graphic designer.

We Love You So Much, It's Scary
At HDG, we don't send traditional client gifts — it's much more fun to put together a sweet surprise for our favorite colleagues, delivered at unexpected times of the year. In 2019, we put together Valentine's Day gift boxes filled with grown-up takes on our favorite childhood Valentine's Day traditions.

The idea started with a discussion about how much we all loved the sheets of perforated valentines that we would hand out at school as kids — we thought it would be fun to design our own valentines, featuring our favorite villains, around the theme "We Love You So Much, It's Scary."
I illustrated each of our scary figures, stickers and pins and worked with my fellow-designer, Mikenna, to write and design each of the tag-lines.
The box also included pencils, miniature envelopes for each valentine, some stickers, a bag of pins, and, of course, candy. A complete kit to celebrate Valentine's Day like we did in school.